Aim. Determination of the prevalence of spondylarthropathies (SAP) and rheu
matoid arthritis (RA) among Finno-Ugrian population of Russia.
Materials and methods. A one stage expedition trial was made of representat
ive samples of Mordovian and Mari populations including 1312 sitizens aged
over 14 years:
Results. Incidence rate of SAP among Mordovian and Mari examinees was 0.7 a
nd 0.2%, respectively, ankylosing spondylitis being most frequent finding.
RA occurred in 2.5 and 0.6%, respectively. All the RA cases were females wi
thout family history of this disease.
Conclusion. SAP and RA prevalence among Mordovian and Mari populations was
high but their course is more favorable than among other population of Russ