Aim. To assess a hypotensive effect of redergin (dihydroergotoxin) - agonis
t of dopaminergic receptors - in monotherapy (4.5-6 mg/day) and in combinat
ion with enalapril and amlodipin (10 mg/day).
Material and methods. Redergin in monotherapy or combined therapy was given
to 106 hypertensive women in pre- or postmenopause and 24 hypertensive wom
en of reproductive reproductive age. Antihypertensive effect was assessed b
y changes in arterial pressure, frequency and severity of hypertensive hype
rtensive crises, diuresis, clinical symptoms of menopausal syndrome.
Results. A significant fail in arterial pressure, intensive diuresis, less
frequent or absent hypertensive crises, relief of menopausal symptoms were
observed on day 10-14 of redergin monotherapy of menopausal patients with m
ild hypertension and in combined treatment of menopausal women with moderat
e and severe hypertension.
Conclusion. Antihypertensive and diuretic effect of redergin confirm a path
ogenetic role of deficient dopaminergic activity in development of menopaus
al hypertension.