Objective To assess the natural evolution of nuchal thickness in trisomy 18
Methods Serial measurements of nuchal thickness were performed over a 1- to
5-week period in 17 fetuses with trisomy 18, from the 10th to the 20th wee
k of pregnancy. To avoid a confounding effect due to gestational age, nucha
l thickness was also expressed in standard deviations (SD) for the correspo
nding gestational week. In addition, the changes were assessed in terms of
the presence of clinically positive thickening, considered as such when its
measurement was above 2.5 SD for the corresponding gestational week.
Results On the initial nuchal thickness measurement, sensitivity for trisom
y 18 decreased from 66% on assessment at 10-13 weeks of gestation to 38% at
14-16 weeks. In serial determinations, a mean increase of 1.3 mm [95% conf
idence interval (CI), 0.1-2.5] was observed for a mean period of 21 days. W
hen corrected for gestational age, the mean increase of 0.2 SD (95% CI, -1.
2 to -1.6) was found to be non-significant. No clinically relevant changes
were recorded on re-examination, with nuchal thickening remaining stable in
76% of cases.
Conclusion Nuchal thickening at re-examination was observed in a similar pr
oportion of trisomy 18 fetuses as when initially observed.