Allergic rhinitis is the most common chronic condition, with an estimated p
revalence in the United States of 5-22%, which increases from infancy, peak
s in childhood and adolescence, and decreases in the elderly. As a major ca
use of morbidity, absenteeism, and restricted activity in both children and
adults, allergic rhinitis, similar to asthma, appears to be increasing wit
h time. Allergic rhinitis is commonly defined as seasonal or perennial, dep
ending upon whether symptoms are manifested at defined yearly intervals or
throughout the year, respectively. While trees, grasses, weeds, and molds a
re the most frequent causes of seasonal allergic rhinitis, dust mites and m
olds are the major contributors to perennial allergic rhinitis. The pathoge
nesis of allergic rhinitis is based upon inter-actions of allergen with mem
brane-bound allergen-specific IgE on the surface of mediator cells, i.e., b
asophils and mast cells, leading to the release of allergic mediators (both
preformed and newly synthesized) including histamine, leukotrienes, and eo
sinophil cationic protein (ECP). These are responsible for both immediate a
llergic responses characteristic of acute allergic rhinitis and the late in
flammatory reactions responsible for chronic allergic rhinitis. The evaluat
ion of rhinitis should include a derailed patient history, a careful physic
al examination, and appropriate diagnostic tests including skin prick tests
or serum assays for allergen-specific IgE. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is r
eadily distinguished from perennial allergic rhinitis by history and confir
med by positive skin tests to causative aeroallergens. It is important to d
ifferentiate seasonal rhinitis from non-allergic disorders including infect
ious rhinitis, structural or anatomic problems such as nasal polyps ol sept
al deviation, rhinitis medicamentosa (due to the overuse of topical vasocon
strictors), hormonal rhinopathy (e.g., pregnancy, hypothyroidism), non-alle
rgic vasomotor rhinopathy, non-allergic inflammatory rhinitis with eosinoph
ils (NARES), or rarely, a neoplasm. A knowledge of the epidemiologic and cl
inical presentation of allergic rhinitis together with these pathophysiolog
ic mechanisms is essential for a modem-day diagnostic and therapeutic appro
ach do the patient who suffers from allergic rhinitis.