Background: Chromium is an essential element in human nutrition. Serum conc
entrations of chromium are not well characterized during pregnancy or in ge
stational diabetes mellitus.
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine whether low plasma
chromium concentrations (less than or equal to3 nmol/L) are associated with
altered glucose, insulin, or lipid concentrations during pregnancy.
Design: The study was conducted prospectively and took place at the medical
obstetric clinic of a tertiary referral hospital. Seventy-nine women with
abnormal results of a 50-g glucose challenge test in the third trimester of
pregnancy were studied. All women had a formal 75-g oral-glucose-tolerance
test, and fasting insulin, lipid, and chromium concentrations were determi
ned. Chromium was measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectromet
Results: The median chromium concentration was 2 nmol/L (95% CI: 0, 12). Th
ere were no significant differences in age, plasma glucose, insulin, lipids
, calculated insulin resistance, or calculated beta cell function between w
omen with normal and those with abnormal(less than or equal to3 nmol/L) chr
omium concentrations.
Conclusions: Plasma chromium during pregnancy does not correlate with gluco
se intolerance, insulin resistance, or serum lipids. Plasma chromium concen
trations may not accurately reflect tissue stores of chromium. Several tria
ls showed a beneficial effect of chromium supplementation on glucose tolera
nce, insulin, and lipids. A method for assessing body chromium stores is re
quired to allow further study.