Many food hoarding animals live in small groups structured by rank. The pre
sence of conspecifics in the hoarding area increases the risk of losing sto
red supplies. The possibility of stealing from others depends on a forager'
s rank in the group. Highly ranked individuals can steal from subordinates
and also protect their own caches. Since storing incurs both costs and bene
fits, the optimal hoarding investment will differ between individuals of di
fferent rank. In a game theoretical model, we investigate how dominant and
subordinate individuals should optimize their hoarding effort. Our model im
agines animals that are large-scale hoarders in autumn and dependent on sto
red supplies for winter survival. Many examples can be found in the bird fa
milies Paridae and Corvidae, but the model can be used for any hoarding spe
cies that forage in groups. Predictions from the model are as follows: Firs
t, subordinates should store more than dominants, but in a predictable envi
ronment, this difference will decrease as the environment gets harsher. Und
er harsh conditions, dominants should store almost as much as subordinates
and, later, spend almost as much time retrieving their own caches as subord
inates. Second, if on the other hand, bad winter conditions were not expect
ed when storing, dominants should spend more time pilfering caches from sub
ordinates. Third, in populations that are highly dependent on stored suppli
es, dominants should store relatively more than in populations that are les
s dependent on stored supplies. Fourth, harsher environments will favor hoa
rding. And finally, if dominant individuals store, it implies that hoarders
have a selfish recovery advantage over conspecific pilferers.