We compared changes in core temperature and systemic heat balance with a ne
w negative pressure/wanning device (Vital Heat(R)) that uses negative press
ure combined with heat to facilitate warming in vasoconstricted postoperati
ve patients to those resulting from passive insulation or forced air. Seven
healthy volunteers were anesthetized and cooled to a tympanic membrane tem
perature near 34 degreesC. Anesthesia was discontinued and shivering was pr
evented by using meperidine. The vasoconstricted volunteers were rewarmed f
or 2 h using three randomly assigned methods: 1) Vital Heat(R) plus cotton
blanket; 2) one layer of cotton blanket; 3) forced-air warming. Thermal flu
x was recorded from 15 skin-surface sites; metabolic heat production was es
timated from total body oxygen consumption. Metabolic heat production remai
ned constant throughout the study. Systemic heat loss remained constant dur
ing warming with cotton blankets but decreased significantly during the oth
er treatments. Systemic heat balance increased significantly more with forc
ed air (140 +/- 21 kcal) than with Vital Heat(R) (66 +/- 19 kcal) or cotton
blankets (47 +/- 18 kcal). Core temperature increased no faster with Vital
Heat(R) warming (1.3 +/- 0.4 degreesC) than with a cotton blanket (1.2 +/-
0.4 degreesC). In contrast, core temperature increased more rapidly with f
orced air warming (2.6 +/- 0.6 degreesC). In this study we show that calori
es from a negative pressure rewarming device are largely constrained to the
forearm and that heat does not flow to the core thermal compartment.