Dramatic changes in health care have stimulated reform of undergraduate med
ical education. In an effort to improve the teaching of generalist competen
cies and encourage learning in the outpatient setting, the Society of Gener
al Internal Medicine joined with the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medici
ne in a federally sponsored initiative to develop a new curriculum for the
internal medicine core clerkship. Using a broad-based advisory committee an
d working closely with key stakeholders (especially clerkship directors), t
he project collaborators helped forge a new national consensus on the leami
ng agenda for the clerkship (a prioritized set of basic generalist competen
cies) and on the proportion of time that should be devoted to outpatient ca
re (at least one third of the clerkship). From this consensus emerged a new
curricular model that served as the basis for production of a curriculum g
uide and faculty resource package. The guide features the prioritized set o
f basic generalist competencies and specifies the requisite knowledge, skil
ls, and attitudes/values needed to master them, as well as a list of sugges
ted training problems. it also includes recommended training experiences, s
chedules, and approaches to faculty development, precepting, and student ev
Demand for the guide has been strong and led to production of a second edit
ion, which includes additional materials, an electronic version, and a pock
et guide for students and faculty. A follow-up survey of clerkship director
s administered soon after completion of the first edition revealed widespre
ad use of the curricular guide but also important barriers to full implemen
tation of the new curriculum, Although this collaborative effort appears to
have initiated clerkship reform, long-term success will require an enhance
d educational infrastructure to support teaching in the outpatient setting.