This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of several analgesic regim
ens for use after intraperitoneal implantation of telemetry transmitters in
mice. The lengths of time required for postoperative recovery of food and
water intake, locomotor activity, and core temperature of mice that did not
receive postsurgical analgesic medication were compared to those of mice t
hat were given either an analgesic in the drinking water or buprenorphine i
njections. Many measured variables were not substantially altered by analge
sic medications. However, ibuprofen-treated mice demonstrated significantly
greater locomotor activity on days 2 through 5 after surgery and a more ra
pid return to stable postsurgical levels of activity and water intake as co
mpared to those in untreated mice. These changes are consistent with potent
ial analgesic efficacy of the ibuprofen treatment regimen. Buprenorphine in
jections elicited hyperactivity, hyperthermia, and reduced food and water i
ntake during both the immediate postsurgical recovery period and after appa
rent recuperation from surgery, as compared to effects observed in saline-t
reated mice. Evaluating the effect of analgesic regimens on postsurgical ch
anges in physiologic and behavioral variables can be useful in assessing th
e efficacy of analgesic treatments, but some changes may indicate pharmacol
ogic effects that do not reflect pain relief.