Fluid management strategies need to be guided by an understanding of the pa
thophysiologic mechanisms underlying fluid imbalance. In the hypovolaemic p
atient, reduced circulating blood volume and venous return and, in severe c
ases, altered tissue perfusion may initiate a cascade of pathophysiologic p
rocesses culminating in multiple organ failure. The objectives of fluid man
agement are to maintain adequate blood pressure, tissue oxygenation and int
ravascular fluid volume. Both crystalloids and colloids can be useful for t
hese purposes. In the hypovolaemic patient with normal pulmonary function,
the use of colloids to maintain colloid osmotic pressure can limit the deve
lopment of peripheral as well as pulmonary oedema. However, choice of fluid
is less important in states of increased lung capillary permeability. Furt
her evidence is needed to broaden understanding of the optimal roles for pa
rticular fluid management strategies. Experimental models can make an impor
tant contribution in gathering such evidence. Rigorous pharmacoeconomic stu
dies are also needed to define the benefits and costs of differing fluid re