This study examines the reliability and validity of the German version of t
he Communication Patterns Questionnaire CPQ (Christensen, 1987, 1988; Germa
n title: Fragebogen zur Erfassung partnerschaftlicher Kommunikationsmuster
FPK). The CPQ/FPK assesses marital communication at the dyadic level. Commu
nication patterns are evaluated on four scales: (a) Constructive Communicat
ion, (b) Avoidance of Communication, (c) Man Demand-Woman Withdraw and (d)
Woman Demand-Man Withdraw. The reliability and validity of the FPK was inve
stigated using a sample of N = 143 couples participating in a study to eval
uate the effectiveness of preventive interventions. The internal consistenc
ies of the scales were satisfactory and comparable to the CPQ. The construc
t validity was established by yielding significant correlations with other,
conceptually related questionnaires and couple's videotaped interactions.
Significant differences between maritally happy and unhappy couples point t
o the discriminative validity of the scales. Furthermore, the FPK seems to
monitor sensitively changes by preventive interventions.