We describe a case of apparent trisomy 21 that does not fulfil the cri
teria for the clinical diagnosis of Down's syndrome (DS). Our patient
was subjected to karyotype analysis and found to have full, non-mosaic
trisomy 21 in both blood lymphocytes and skin fibroblasts, while exam
ination of the term placenta, which was performed earlier in the cours
e of a different study, had shown mosaicism (73%) for trisomy 21. FISH
analysis showed no obvious rearrangement of the DS chromosomal region
in any of the chromosomes 21. Molecular analysis using polymorphic ma
rkers on chromosome 21 verified the existence of trisomy for the entir
e long arm of the chromosome and showed that the origin of the extra c
hromosome was maternal and was probably the result of a mitotic error.
In contrast with the above, the clinical evaluation using the Jackson
checklist of 25 signs failed to establish the diagnosis of DS; We bel
ieve that our patient might present mosaicism in other tissues that ar
e not available for analysis and can be regarded as an extreme example
in the continuous spectrum of karyotype/phenotype associations in mos
aic cases.