To characterise and quantify the safety and environmental aspects of fusion
power plants, studies using the tokamak concept have been undertaken withi
n the European Fusion Programme under the names SEAFP and SEAL. The main re
sults obtained up to early 1997 were reported at ISFNT-4. The newest findin
gs will be presented in this paper. Comparison will be made with findings f
rom fusion power plant studies performed outside the EU, i.e. ARIES-RS (US)
and DREAM (JA). Important lessons learnt from the International Thermonucl
ear Experimental Reactor Engineering Design Activities (ITER EDA) will also
be presented. Emphasis will be put on how the two leading success criteria
'no-evacuation of the public for any in-plant accident' and 'no radioactiv
e waste burden for future generations' can be met and how these criteria fi
t with the fundamental safety objectives of the recently presented European
utilities requirements for LWR nuclear power plants. (C) 2000 Elsevier Sci
ence B.V. All rights reserved.