In the frame of the ITER Task 'Reference Accident Sequences', two accident
sequences have been assessed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the use of
integrated safety analysis code system (ISAS). The first one is a loss of
coolant event in the divertor primary heat transfer system (DV PHTS) toward
s the vacuum Vessel containment during normal plasma burn; the second one i
s a loss of coolant event in the DV PHTS towards the lower vault during bak
ing conditions. The comparison of the results obtained in standalone and co
upled modes was performed. The codes used for the analyses are ATHENA for t
hermal-hydraulic simulation, INTRA for containment studies and NAUA for aer
osol transportation. The three codes are linked together in the ISAS chain
by means of files written in the Gibiane language. The ISAS application see
ms to be promising in order to have a powerful tool in the fusion plant acc
ident analysis. It is able to treat different codes, developed for differen
t fields of applications, as a unique code simulating the complete evolutio
n of an accident sequence. ISAS permits a detailed exchange of data between
the codes, otherwise impossible in standalone mode. It reduces the errors
in typing exchange data and takes into account the feedback effects during
the calculation. The coupling of the codes makes possible to compensate the
lack of some phenomenon models in one code if they are treated in another
code of the chain (i.e. radiative heat exchange between heat structures tha
t is missing in ATHENA and foreseen in INTRA). The results obtained in the
two accident analyses demonstrate that ISAS can be very useful to represent
in a more coherent way the trend of an accident respecting the correct bal
ance of the inventories. In the paper the whole evolution of a typical fusi
on power plant accident is analysed starting from the break in the cooling
loop system, studying the effects of the loss of coolant in the containment
and simulating the leakage of the aerosols outside vacuum vessel and vault
s. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.