The objective of the present paper is to evaluate the position and suc
cessful application of repeated superovulation with respect to its use
in cattle breeding. Repeated superovulation of embryo donors - high-p
erformance dairy cows at the end of their productive life (6th to 13th
lactation) - was evaluated for the purposes of embryo transfer in the
first part of the study. In the second part, repeated superovulation
of high-performance donors was evaluated in various calving intervals
(mothers of bulls and elite dams C1 to C3 in the 5th to 14th lactation
) within an experimental program MOET. Estrous cycles of donors were s
ynchronized by two applications of the analog prostaglandin F2 alpha (
Oestrophan, Leciva Praha) in an eleven-day interval. The preparation F
SH Folicotropin, Spofa Praha, was applied i.m. to cows from the 9th to
the 11th day of the estrous cycle, in the morning and in the evening
(at 7.00; 19.00 hours) for four days at doses of 2.3; 3.2; 1.1; 1.1 am
poules of the preparation (total batch of 14 ampoules, i.e. 560 i.u. F
SH), and in the same way to heifers, 2.2; 1.1; 1.1; 1.1 ampoules of th
e the preparation (total batch of 10 ampoules, i.e. 400 i.u. FSH). The
analog of prostaglandin F2 alpha (Oestrophan, Leciva Praha) was admin
istered on day 3 of superovulation treatment in the morning at a dose
of 500 to 750 mu g. Insemination and reinsemination were done on days
5 and 6 of superovulation treatment. Tab. I shows data on the recovery
of transferable embryos and on embryo quality after repeated interven
tions in order to recover embryos from high-performance donors. The hi
ghest number of eggs in total (14.25 +/- 0.05) and of transferable emb
ryos was obtained from 10 and 8 donors after the fifth and sixth treat
ment. The average number of eggs and transferable embryos recovered af
ter the first and second treatment is at the level of mean values dete
rmined by Riha (1990) for donors. Average numbers were insignificantly
increasing (P > 0.05) after the third and next treatment to the eight
h one. Repeated stimulations of mothers of bulls within one lactation
and within several successive lactations suggested small and statistic
ally insignificant differences in the number of recovered eggs (8.30 /- 7.05 and 8.60 +/- 6.38, respectively; P > 0.05) and transferable em
bryos (5.20 +/- 5.58 and 4.04 +/- 4.34, resp.; P > 0.05). The percenta
ge of transferable embryos out of recovery percentage was higher in do
nors that were stimulated and applied repealed interventions within th
e same calving interval (62.6%) in comparison with different calving i
ntervals (51.2%, P > 0.05 - Tab. II).