The breeding blanket is an essential in-vessel component for fusion power p
lants based on the deuterium-tritium fuel. It is submitted to severe operat
ing conditions such as high surface heat flux on the first wall (> 0.5 MW/m
(2)) and to very high 14 MeV neutron flux (>10(18) n/m(2) s). Because of th
e simultaneous requirement of very demanding performances, such as tritium
breeding self-sufficiency, high thermal cycle efficiency, high availability
and high safety standards, the number of candidate breeding blanket concep
ts is limited. After recalling advantages and drawbacks of possible combina
tions of structural materials, coolants, and breeder materials, this paper
summarizes the characteristics and the performances of some potential candi
date concepts for a European power plant study and associated required R&D.
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