Energy is vital for humans and we have been consuming a large amount of fos
sil fuel especially from the beginning of the industrial revolution. Nowada
ys its huge consumption has however come to threaten our life and we have t
o prepare nonfossil fuels, for instance solar energy, biomass energy, nucle
ar energy and so on. Fusion energy is an unlimited resource and one of the
strongest candidates of the future energy source. At the National Institute
for Fusion Science (referred to as 'NIFS' hereafter), we have constructed
a new fusion experimental device called large helical device (referred to a
s 'LHD' hereafter) in 1998. The device will generate a small amount of trit
ium, as a fusion product. In order to remove it from the exhaust gas, we ha
ve designed a tritium cleanup system based on a new concept. This system is
mainly composed of a palladium permeater, a decomposer and hydrogen absorb
ing alloys. It may perfectly recover the tritium from exhaust gas without o
xidizing it. This system is applicable for the future needs at fusion power
plants. In order to remove tritium discharged from fusion experimental fac
ilities, it is usual to employ a system by which tritiated constituents, in
various chemical forms, are entirely converted to a form of water vapor by
catalytic oxidation. The water vapor containing tritiated form is then abs
orbed by molecular sieve (referred to as 'wet system' hereafter). However,
in the case of LHD, it is not rational to deliberately convert the discharg
ed tritium into the water vapor, because the tritium discharged from LHD is
almost in a form of hydrogen molecules. Moreover, the tritium in the form
of water vapor affects the human body 18 000 times stronger than that of hy
drogen molecules. In accordance with these view points, we have developed a
nother type of tritium cleanup system based on a new concept, in which hydr
ogen molecules including tritiated ones (HT, DT and T-2) found in the exhau
st gas of LHD are directly fixed to hydrogen absorbing alloys. Other impuri
ties such as methane and water vapor, parts of which are tritiated, will be
decomposed into each elemental form by the decomposition process and hydro
gen molecules, including tritiated constituents from the decomposition (ref
erred to as 'dry system' hereafter). (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rig
hts reserved.