Between 1830 and 1950 much of northeastern Puerto Rico was cleared for agri
culture. Runoff increased by similar to 50% and sediment supply to the rive
r channels increased by more than an order of magnitude. Much of the land c
learance extended to steep valley slopes, resulting in widespread gullying
and landslides and a large load of coarse sediments delivered to the stream
channels. A shift from agriculture to industrial and residential land uses
over the past 50 yr has maintained the elevated runoff while sediment supp
ly has decreased, allowing the rivers to begin removing coarse sediment sto
red within their channels. The size, abundance, and stratigraphic elevation
of in-channel gravel bar deposits increases, channel depth decreases, and
the frequency of overbank flooding in creases downstream along these channe
ls. This is presumed to be a transient state and continued transport will l
ead to degradation of the bed in downstream sections as the channel adjusts
to the modern supply of water and sediment. A downstream decrease in chann
el size is contrary to the expected geometry of self-adjusted channels, but
is consistent with the presence of partially evacuated sediment remaining
from the earlier agricultural period. Reverse (downstream decreasing) chann
el morphology is not often cited in the literature, although consistent obs
ervations are available from areas with similar land-use history. Identific
ation of reverse channel morphology along individual watercourses may be ob
scured in multiwatershed compilations in which other factors produce a cons
istent, but scattered downstream trend. Identification of reverse channel m
orphology along individual streams in areas with similar land-use history w
ould be useful for identifying channel disequilibrium and anticipating futu
re channel adjustments.