Sediment is delivered to streams by creep, slope wash, rill and gully erosi
on, and collapse of oversteepened banks. The first three of these operate o
n all transport-limited slopes. Their efficacy varies directly with precipi
tation (or runoff) and inversely with vegetation cover. Sediment yield from
these processes is also likely to increase with slope angle and, in the ca
se of slope mash and rill erosion, with rainfall intensity and slope length
Sloughing from oversteepened banks, however, occurs where rivers are active
ly cutting into valley sides. The frequency of occurrence of such locations
increases with the mean slope angle, and the frequency of collapse increas
es with runoff. Thus, this process is likely to be dominant in mountainous
areas with high runoff.
Expressing these effects analytically leads to a tentative general relation
for specific sediment yield. If we had sufficient knowledge of the various
parameters involved, this relation could be integrated over a basin to obt
ain the total yield. At present, however, its main value is to draw attenti
on to the numerous assumptions implicit in many much simpler equations in c
ommon use.