Objectives. Seventy percent of ovarian cancer is diagnosed at advanced stag
es. Having a method for early diagnosis is a very attractive concept. Sever
al attempts have been made, using monoclonal antibody-based immunoassays, u
ltrasound, or combinations of both, to identify methods that might prove to
be sufficiently sensitive and specific as a screening test. Despite promis
ing results, a mortality study of a large population has yet to be complete
d due in part to the high cost involved.
Methods. One of the first studies aimed at devising a screening strategy fo
r ovarian cancer used the CA 125 immunoassay followed by ultrasound. The st
udy was performed in Stockholm from 1986 through 1988. Ten years now having
passed, an analysis has been performed to further evaluate the results of
that study.
Results, Screening led to the diagnosis of ovarian cancer in six patients,
five of whom have since died of the disease. By searching the Cancer Regist
ry, we were able to identify 20 ovarian cancer patients who developed the d
isease after the screening period. Of these, 12 died of the disease, 2 are
alive with disease, and 6 have no evidence of disease following treatment.
The median .survival for patients diagnosed by screening was 100 months. Me
dian survival for ovarian cancer patients identified subsequent to screenin
g was 20 months. Although there was no difference in survival between these
two groups, median survival was better for women diagnosed by screening (b
orderline significance, P = 0.059).
Conclusion. These results indicate that a study of a large number of women
with a sufficiently long observation time will be required to establish whe
ther or not screening can reduce ovarian cancer mortality. Such a study may
also provide insight into the natural history of ovarian cancer. (C) 2000
Academic Press.