A new mathematical method of estimating the state for uncertain continuous-
time multiple-input multiple-output minimum-phase (with respect to the rela
tion between the disturbance and the output) dynamical systems with arbitra
rily relative degrees is presented. For the systems with relative degree on
e, the state observer which is perfectly robust to disturbances is construc
ted by using only the input and output information. The estimating error of
the state decays to zero exponentially. For the systems with higher relati
ve degrees, the state observer is formulated for the first time, where the
input and output information, and the a priori information of the upper and
lower bounds of the disturbances are employed. In this case, the estimatin
g error of the state can be controlled to be as small as is needed by the d
esign parameters. The attraction of the proposed observers lies in their ro
bustness to disturbances and insensitivity to the high-frequency noises acc
ompanying the inputs. A design example and its simulation results are prese
nted to illustrate the proposed algorithm.