Some arguments are in favor of the role of Chlamydia in the pathogenesis of
atherosclerosis and some vasculitis. Illustrating this possible relation,
we report the case of a patient developing consecutively a Chlamydia psitta
cci infection and a temporal arteritis. A 73-year-old woman, with no signif
icant medical history, was hospitalized for constitutional symptoms. Three
weeks before, she had described fever and sore throat of two days' duration
. Since that time. she had remained exhausted and developed a mild intermit
tent claudication of the jaws, clinical examination was poor. A biological
inflammatory syndrome was noticed. Chest X-ray revealed bilateral interstit
ial opacities. The titer of anti-C. posttaci antibodies was significant (po
sitive lg G at 1/2048). Soon after initiation of doxycycline, a temporal ar
teritis biopsy was performed, due to the persistence of clinical symptoms a
nd high inflammatory syndrome, conclusive for the diagnosis of temporal art
eritis. Corticotherapy was added to antibiotic therapy, resulting in the de
crease of inflammatory syndrome and an improvement in the general status of
the patient. X-ray opacities decreased in three weeks. Serological control
after three months showed a decrease of the titer of anti-C. psittacci ant
ibodies to 1/256, confirming the initial diagnosis of Chlamydia pneumopathy
. Our observation could provide one more argument for the role of bacteria-
like Chlamydia in the pathogenesis of vascular diseases. Prospective seroep
idemiological and molecular biology studies could allow us to clarify the a
ssociation between Chlamydia infections and inflammatory vasculitis-like te
mporal arteritis. (C) 2000 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS