Phytophthora palmivora, Rhizoctonia sp. and two isolates of Fusarium spp. w
ere identified and associated with the arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) c
orm rot in pathogenicity tests conducted in vitro and in vivo. In vitro tes
ts revealed that these fungi were pathogenic to the corm. Fungi caused lesi
ons to the corm under greenhouse conditions. Three major symptoms were obse
rved: necrotized roots; necrotized roots with a dry, brown, hard injury to
the internal corm tissue; and wet lesions with brown shades. The highest in
cidence of affected corms occurred with P. palmivora in combination with Rh
izoctonia sp., and the lowest was observed in corms inoculated with Rhizoct
onia sp. alone. The most severe symptoms were caused by P. palmivora alone
and in combination with Rhizoctonia so. in vitro tests were conducted to ev
aluate the efficacy of metalaxyl, etridiazole thiophanate-methyl, and foset
yl-al against the isolated fungi at doses of 5 to 200 mg ai/kg. Among the f
ungicides tested, etridiazole thiophanate-methyl was effective against all
fungi associated with corm rot. Micelial growth of P. palmivora was complet
ely inhibited with metalaxyl at all doses and by etridiazole thiophanate-me
thyl with doses of 20 or more mg ai/kg.