Allergy affects more than 15% of the world population, and some studies hav
e shown that up 30% of the US population has some form of allergy. Most of
these patients have various target organs for their allergies, and most hav
e ocular involvement, The ocular component may be the most prominent and so
metimes disabling feature of their allergy, Some are affected for only a fe
w weeks to months, whereas others have symptoms that last throughout the ye
ar, The seasonal forms may present to clinical allergists, whereas the more
chronic forms may present to ophthalmologists. Thus, in the second: of thi
s 2-part review series (Part I: Ocular Immunology appeared in the November
issue of the Journal), an overview is provided of the spectrum of ocular al
lergy that ranges from acute seasonal allergic conjunctivitis to chronic va
riants of atopic keratoconjunctivitis. With a better understanding of the i
mmunologic mechanisms, we now can develop better treatment approaches and d
esign further research in intervention of allergic eye diseases.