Patient satisfaction in university health settings has received little rese
arch attention, and it is unclear whether the issue is being addressed in c
ollege health clinics. Because providers may make their own evaluations of
patient satisfaction in the absence of other information, the authors condu
cted a study to determine whether healthcare providers at a university heal
th clinic could accurately assess patient satisfaction. Ten providers compl
eted a 10-item questionnaire immediately following the medical encounter to
rate their perceptions of selected patients' levels of satisfaction. After
seeing a healthcare provider, 201 patients completed a comparable question
naire indicating how satisfied they were with the experience. Responses of
providers and patients were compared, using a paired-sample t test. The res
ults showed that providers' ratings were significantly lower than patients'
ratings, indicating that providers were unable to judge patient satisfacti
on accurately. The results suggest that formal evaluations of patient satis
faction should be included in college health services.