A cascade of mechanisms involving changes in gene expression are substantia
l to shape the adaptive responses that a eurythermal fish requires upon env
ironmental changes in its habitat. We have previously shown that the cyclic
al reprogramming of rRNA transcription is a remarkable feature in carp unde
r seasonal acclimatization. Using in situ hybridization and competitive RT-
PCR we found significant differences in p-actin transcripts, generally acce
pted to be coded by a typical housekeeping gene, in tissues from summer- an
d winter-acclimatized carp. The physiological differential p-actin transcri
ption herein reported places us on the alert for the reference genes estima
ted to be constitutive to quantitatively assess gene transcripts. J. Cell.
Biochem. 80:223-228, 2000. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.