Microelectrode studies of single units in the human thalamus during stereot
actic surgery offer a unique opportunity to study the organization and plas
ticity of the sensory thalamus. In this review the authors present results
using single-unit microelectrode recording in the mapping of human sensory
thalamus in a variety of patients. First they outline the overall organizat
ion of the human sensory thalamus, including both somatosensory and pain pa
thways. They also show that the sensory maps for receptive and projection f
ields can be altered during pathologic states such as amputation and spinal
transection. Additionally, the sensory maps show plasticity during states
with abnormal patterns of motor activity, like dystonia. Lastly, they discu
ss the processing of painful and emotionally laden sensory experiences thro
ugh the thalamus. The physiologic results of thalamic pain processing are d
iscussed in relation to the sensory-limbic model of pain. The studies revie
wed demonstrate the spectrum of stimulus processing and plasticity of both
painful and nonpainful signals by the human thalamus.