Inflation persistence is a stylized fact after disinflation. Standard stagg
ered-prices models show very Little or no inflation persistence and, hence,
are of little use when inflation is sticky. In this paper, I present a mod
el that, on the one hand, is consistent with the evidence of sticky inflati
on and, on the other, can be directly incorporated into modem intertemporal
optimizing models. The model modifies Calvo's [Calvo, G., 1983a. Staggered
contracts and exchange rate policy. In: J.A. Frenkel (Ed.), Exchange Rates
and International Economics, University of Chicage Press, Chicago, IL; Cal
vo, G., 1983b. Staggered wages in a utility maximization framework, Journal
of Monetary Ecomomics 12(3), 383-393] exclusively forward-looking model an
d includes a backward-looking component. It encompasses the two extreme cas
es of purely forward and backward-looking price setting. I show how the mod
el can be used in open economy stabilization programs. This is not the firs
t model including a form of backward indexation in a staggered-prices setti
ng. However, it has the advantage of keeping the analytical elegance of the
Calvo model while enhancing its dynamics. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. A
ll rights reserved.