Three-dimensional tumor growth is dependent on the perpetual recruitment of
host blood vessels to the tumor site, This recruitment process (mainly via
angiogenesis) is thought to be triggered, at least in part, by the very sa
me set of genetic alterations (activated oncogenes, inactivated/lost tumor
suppressor genes) as those responsible for other aspects of malignant trans
formation (e,g,, aberrant mitogenesis, resistance to apoptosis), Potent onc
ogenes are able to deregulate expression of both angiogenesis stimulators a
nd inhibitors in cancer cells. For example, mutant uas expression is associ
ated with increased production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
and downregulation of thrombospondin-l (TSP-1). Upregulation of VEGF and a
ngiogenesis can also be induced by constitutive activation of other oncogen
ic proteins (e,g., EGFR, Raf, MEK, PI3K) acting at various levels on the Ra
s signaling pathway. The mode and the magnitude of such proangiogenic influ
ences can be significantly modified by cell type (fibroblastic or epithelia
l origin), epigenetic factors (hypoxia, changes in cell, density), and/or p
resence of additional genetic lesions (e,g,, pre-ceding loss of p16 or p53
tumor suppressor genes). Activated oncogenes (e,g,, uas, src, HER-2) induce
co-expression of angiogenic properties concomitantly with several highly s
electable traits (increased mitogenesis, resistance to apoptosis), a circum
stance that may accelerate selection of the angiogenic phenotype at the cel
l population level. On the other hand oncogene-induced reduction in growth
requirements may also endow tumor cells with a diminished (albeit not abrog
ated) dependence on (close) proximity to blood vessels, i,e,, with reduced
vascular dependence, Thus, oncogenes can impact several interconnected aspe
cts of cellular growth, survival, and angiogenesis. Experimental evidence s
uggests that, in principle, many of these properties (including angiogenesi
s) can be simultaneously suppressed (and tumor stasis or regression induced
) by effective use of the specific oncogene antagonists and signal transduc
tion inhibitors.