From 1990 to 2000, several effective new treatments were introduced for the
prevention of osteoporotic fractures; these treatments were proven effecti
ve in large, international, clinical trials. At the same time, there was ra
pid technologic innovation, with the introduction of new radiologic methods
for the noninvasive assessment of patients' bone density status. These dev
elopments led to the publication of guidelines for the clinical use of bone
densitometry that include criteria for the referral of patients for invest
igation as well as recommendations for intervention thresholds for the init
iation of preventive treatment of osteoporosis. Dual-energy x-ray absorptio
metry scanning of the spine and hip remains the technique of choice for bon
e densitometry studies, although there is now a wider appreciation of the n
eed for smaller, cheaper devices for scanning the peripheral skeleton if th
e millions of women most at risk of a fragility fracture are to be identifi
ed and treated. This article reviews these developments, concentrating in p
articular on the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of equ
ipment available for performing bone densitometry investigations, the guide
lines for the referral of patients, and the principles for the interpretati
on of the scan findings.