Nonpharmacologic options for the treatment of epilepsy include epilepsy sur
gery, vagus nerve stimulation, and the ketogenic diet. The advantages and l
imitations of these treatment modalities have been extensively reviewed, bu
t there is no general consensus on when each option should be considered. T
he authors propose an algorithm based on the type of epilepsy. Generally, n
onpharmacologic options should be considered early-i.e., after the first fe
w drug failures. Because of their good outcome with resective surgery, mesi
al temporal and lesional neocortical epilepsies should be considered for re
section. Conversely, nonlesional neocortical epilepsies are probably best a
pproached with vagus nerve stimulation first. For symptomatic or cryptogeni
c generalized epilepsies, which are commonly intractable, vagus nerve stimu
lation and the ketogenic diet appear to be reasonable options to consider b
efore palliative surgery such as corpus callosotomy. Idiopathic (i.e., gene
tic) generalized epilepsies are only rarely refractory to medications and c
an be outgrown. In rare cases, vagus nerve stimulation may occasionally pla
y a role in their treatment.