Math-Net is an information and communcation system for mathematics, It base
s on the voluntary contributions of persons and institutions. Normally the
information will be provided on the local servers by persons and institutio
ns. But the documents and servers within Math-Net will be structured in a h
omogeneous way, Therefore Math-Net develops recommendations and standards.
Then the local information will be gathered, summarized and indexed by auto
matic tools. The indexes are the base of the Math-Net Services. Math-Net Se
rvices cover only a small part of the Web, but all information which is rel
evant for mathematics. Math-Net is more than a search engine or a portal, I
t is a full information and communication system for mathematics and a publ
ication media too, Math-Net bases on a broad consense of the mathematical c
ommunity to use electronic information and communication for a better and u
ser-friendly access to the information in mathematics.