The introduction of the "Postgraduate Library Science distance education pr
ogram" in 1995 at the Institute for Library Science (IB) at Humboldt-Univer
sity Berlin marks the beginning of the development of media-supported dista
nce courses. Since 1998 the Institute has offered in addition the completel
y ICT-based Magister/Master program ''Library and Information Science Dista
nce Education". With the latter, a transparent system of media-supported di
stance courses, for different conditions of entry and grades, was de ve lop
ed. This paper discusses the two-year experience and problems of the applic
ation of information and communication technologies in Magister/Master Dist
ance program. The information component as one of the crucial conceptional
elements is based on a hypermedia concept. The communication between the le
cturer and students is realized by a video conference technique. The proble
ms of media-supported distance courses are concentrated in setting-up inter
active communication between lecturer and students. Technology-supported di
stance learning and teaching is regarded not as a substitution of services
with a new technique, but as a completely new beginning using new media.