The sparsely populated Norway is of interest in many respects. Traditionall
y, the Norwegians have a close relationship to mass media of all kinds. Nor
wegian Newspapers satifie rather local to regional information needs, telev
ision. in contrary, covers the national and international information needs
. Both mass media back up a passive attitude of recipients. Due to the triu
mphant march of the internet and, above all, the web-related services, we o
bserve an active international tendency among Norwegians, But, we have to a
sk ourselves, whether this tendency is accompanied by a farewell to provinc
iality or if it is just the reflection of a phoney argument? Below, we are
going to take a close look at the Norwegian newspaper market, but our main
focus will be the web-related information services. As a kind of side effec
t, we give an answer to the question: How does the German-Nordic informatio
n exchange function?.