Re. Kenward et al., The prevalence of non-breeders in raptor populations: evidence from rings,radio-tags and transect surveys, OIKOS, 91(2), 2000, pp. 271-279
Age-specific survival and breeding (ASSAB) models were developed with data
from 146 common buzzards (Buteo buteo) radio-tagged in southern Britain dur
ing 1990-1998, in a 120-km(2) study area that had on average 25 egg-laying
pairs. Survival checks were aided by philopatric behaviour and a maximum an
nual tag failure rate of 7%: minimum survival rates, that were estimated by
assuming death of buzzards with lost tags, were close to maximum rates tha
t were estimated using only the recorded deaths. First-year survival rate e
stimates for 35 buzzards fitted in 1990-1991 with 25-30-g backpack radios w
ere 69-74% (minimum-maximum), close to the 61-71% for 16 buzzards with 12-g
tail-mount radios; the backpacks transmitted for 2-4 yr. Overall survival
rates were 66-73% in the first year, 91-97% in the second and 88-91% therea
fter. Survival estimates from 258 recent British ring recoveries were lower
in the first and second years, at 55% and 75%, but similar (88%) thereafte
r. Most deaths were from natural causes (40%) or interaction with artefacts
(36%). ASSAB models. from radio-tracking and the observed 1.71 young clutc
h(-1), predicted breeding by 16-21% of all the buzzards present in spring,
or up to 25% with the minimum likely productivity of 1.4 young clutch(-1) o
r 12% net emigration. Ringing data predicted breeding rates of 33-38%. The
models were tested with density data from nest surveys and new radio-correc
ted-transect and truncation-mark-resighting estimates of buzzard numbers. S
urveys in autumn and late winter estimated breeding rates of 21-25%. The hi
gh non-breeder density in spring. of three other buzzards for each paired b
ird with eggs, has important implications for understanding evolutionary fi
tness, predation and population ecology.