We conducted an experiment in a northern mixed-grass prairie at Wind Cave N
ational Park. South Dakota, USA to evaluate the effect of defoliation frequ
ency on aboveground net primary production (ANPP), shoot nitrogen concentra
tion, and aboveground N yield of graminoids. ANPP was significantly reduced
at weekly and biweekly defoliation frequencies, but unaffected relative to
unclipped controls at monthly and bimonthly frequencies. By contrast, clip
ping at all frequencies increased shoot N concentration above that of contr
ols, and this increase was greatest at monthly or more frequent defoliation
s. Total aboveground N yield and potential N yield to grazers were greatest
at intermediate (bimonthly to biweekly) frequencies. We suggest that graze
rs may maximize their nutritional status in this system by periodically reg
razing areas at Frequencies dear the approximately monthly optimum that we