Takayasu's disease is a rare inflammatory disease of the arteries. In addit
ion to general non-specific complaints, there may be various ischemic sympt
oms stemming from vascular stenoses or occlusions. In the 34-year-old femal
e patient described here a unilateral Raynaud's phenomenon was the major sy
mptom and led to the clinical and angiological diagnosis of Takayasu's dise
ase. Lowered arterial blood pressure in the right arm, extended pulse wove
duration, poststenotic Doppler spectra in the right brachial artery and inv
erse flow in the vertebral artery suggested a subclavian stenotic process.
Stenoses of the right subclavian artery and truncus brachiocephalicus were
localized by color Doppler sonography and angiography. After intercurrent t
ransitory ischemia attacks under immunosuppressive medication the patient u
nderwent vascular surgery. The histological findings were consistent with T
akayasu's disease. The patient remains under interdisciplinary and angiolog
ical treatment.