The evolution of cosmological perturbations is studied in the context of th
e Randall-Sundrurn brane world scenario, in which our universe is realized
on a three-brane in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime. We dev
elop a formalism to solve the coupled dynamics of the cosmological perturba
tions in the brane world and the gavitational wave in the AdS bulk. Using o
ur formalism, the late time evolution of the cosmological scalar perturbati
ons at any scales larger than the AdS curvature scale l is shown to be iden
tical to the one obtained in the conventional 4D cosmology, provided the ef
fect of heavy graviton modes may be neglected. Here the late time means the
epoch when the Hubble horizon H-1 in the 4D brane world is sufficiently la
rger than the AdS curvature scale l. If the inflation occurs sufficiently l
ower than l(-1), the scalar temperature anisotropies in the cosmic microwav
e background at large scales can be calculated using the constancy of the B
ardeen parameter as is done in the 4D cosmology. The assumption of the resu
lt is that the effect of the massive graviton with mass me(-alphao)>l(-1) i
n the brane world is negligible, where e(alphao) is the scale factor of the
brane world. We also discuss the effect of these massive gravitons on the
evolution of the perturbations.