Assuming a large-scale homogeneous magnetic field, we follow the covariant
and gauge-invariant approach used by Tsagas and Barrow to describe the evol
ution of density and magnetic field inhomogeneities and curvature perturbat
ions in a matter-radiation universe. We use a two parameter approximation s
cheme to linearize their exact non-linear general-relativistic equations fo
r magneto-hydrodynamic evolution. Using a two-fluid approach we set up the
governing equations as a fourth order autonomous dynamical system. Analysis
of the equilibrium points for the radiation dominated era lead to solution
s similar to the super-horizon modes found analytically by Tsagas and Maart
ens. We find that a study of the dynamical system in the dust-dominated era
leads naturally to a magnetic critical length scale closely related to the
Jeans length. Depending on the size of wavelengths relative to this scale,
these solutions show three distinct behaviors: large-scale stable growing
modes, intermediate decaying modes, and small-scale damped oscillatory solu