Experiments were conducted to investigate the link between particle-particl
e interaction forces and the bulk properties of granular shear using an ide
alized system of near-spherical, monosized glass beads. The atomic force mi
croscopy colloidal probe technique was employed to investigate the adhesion
and friction between a single bead and a second glass surface, while the a
nnular shear cell was used to measure the shear properties of the bulk gran
ular material. A covalently bound monomolecular film of aliphatic chains wa
s introduced to alter the tribological interactions between the particles.
The atomic force microscope was used to measure the reduction in the partic
le-particle surface forces resulting from the addition of the boundary lubr
icant, while the shear cell showed that the effect of the lubricant film wa
s to reduce the coefficient of internal friction and the dilation during sh
eer. This is an experimental study to provide quantitative data linking par
ticle-particle interaction forces and the shear properties of a granular bo