A model is proposed for sheaths in high-density discharges, with radio-freq
uency (rf) bias applied at frequencies omega comparable to omega (i), the i
on plasma frequency at the edge of the sheath. The model treats ion dynamic
s using fluid equations, including all time-dependent terms. Model predicti
ons for current, impedance, and power were compared to measurements perform
ed in high-density discharges in argon at 1.33 Pa (10 mTorr) at rf bias fre
quencies from 0.1 to 10 MHz (omega/omega (i) from 0.006 to 1.8) and rf bias
voltages from 1 to 200 V. Model predictions were in good agreement with me
asurements, much better than that obtained by models that neglect time-depe
ndent ion dynamics. In particular, differences of as much as 40-50 % betwee
n power measurements and the power predicted by previous models are now exp
lained and eliminated. The model also explains why methods of extracting pl
asma parameters from electrical measurements using previous sheath models m
ay fail, and it suggests more accurate methods of extracting these paramete