An experimental and theoretical study of the deformation and break-up proce
ss of rings, formed by magnetic microspheres, under the application of an e
xternal magnetic field is reported in this Letter. When the external magnet
ic field is applied parallel to the plane of the rings, we found that the b
reak-up process has three different outcomes depending on the way of applic
ation and time history of the external held: (a) deformation into a compact
set of dipoles with a triangular lattice structure, (b) opening into a sin
gle chain, and (c) break-up into two chains with various relative sizes. A
thorough theoretical investigation of the breakup process has been carried
out based on computer simulations, taking into account solely the dipole-di
pole and dipole-external field interactions, without thermal noise. The exp
erimental results and the simulations are in good agreement. (C) 2000 Elsev
ier Science B.V. All rights reserved.