In the Wyoming Basin of southwest Wyoming, there are more pronghorn-dominat
ed bone assemblages and possible communal kill sitez than anywhere else in
North America. Ten faunal assemblages in the region are dominated by prongh
orn bones (>60% of identified specimens) and sir assemblages possess at lea
st sir individuals each. Two of these sites have at least 26 individuals ea
ch, and one has at least 212 animals. Three additional sites retain possibl
e structural remnants of pronghorn traps. Based on an evaluation of 93 radi
ocarbon-dated regional faunal assemblages, it is clear that pronghorn were
used commonly, but in low numbers, throughout prehistory. However there was
a significant shift in pronghorn hurting about 700 years ago, including an
increase in communal hunts and in pronghorn-dominated bone assemblages.