Hyperglycosylated human chorionic gonadotrophin (H-hCG), also known as Inva
sive Trophoblast Antigen or ITA, is a unique metabolic variant of hCG with
more complex oligosaccharide side chains. Concentrations are independent of
regular hCG. Urine H-hCG has recently proved to be a highly sensitive mark
er for Down syndrome screening in the second trimester of pregnancy. We eva
luated H-hCG as a potential marker in the first trimester of pregnancy. Mat
ernal urine samples were collected from 10(+0) to 11(+6) weeks of gestation
prior to genetic analysis and stored in frozen form. Samples from eight ca
ses of Down syndrome, two cases of trisomy 13, one case of trisomy 18, and
55 control pregnancies were hand-carried frozen to the USA and tested blind
ly. Samples were tested in a specific H-hCG immunoassay and values were nor
malized to creatinine concentration. Values were plotted against gestationa
l age, and multiples of control pregnancy median (MoM) calculated. The medi
an level of the MoMs of the eight Down syndrome cases was 3.6 MoM. Five of
the eight Down syndrome cases exceeded the 90th centile of the 55 unaffecte
d cases. The MoMs of the trisomy 13 and 18 pregnancies were 0.2, 0.2 and 0.
3. All three cases were under the 10th centile of unaffected pregnancies. T
he results of this study indicate that H-hCG testing may be useful in scree
ning for Down syndrome in the first trimester of pregnancy. Further studies
are needed to assess the potential screening values of urine H-hCG and the
combination of this test with free P-subunit, PAPP-A and other markers for
Down syndrome in the first trimester of pregnancy. Copyright (C) 2000 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.