Maize and a variety of other plant species release volatile compounds in re
sponse to herbivore attack that serve as chemical cues to signal natural en
emies of the feeding herbivore. N-(17-hydroxy-linolenoyl)-L-glutamine is an
elicitor component that has been isolated and chemically characterized fro
m the regurgitant of the herbivore-pest beet armyworm. This fatty acid deri
vative, referred to as volicitin, triggers the synthesis and release of Vol
atile components, including terpenoids and indole in maize. Here we report
on a previously unidentified enzyme, indole-3-glycerol phosphate lyase (IGL
), that catalyzes the formation of free indole and is selectively activated
by volicitin. IGL's enzymatic properties are similar to BX1, a maize enzym
e that serves as the entry point to the secondary defense metabolites DIBOA
and DIMBOA. Gene-sequence analysis indicates that Igl and Bx1 are evolutio
narily related to the tryptophan synthase alpha subunit.