ISO 9000-certified quality systems have increased rapidly in many industrie
s and countries, including Hong Kong. A study was recently launched to iden
tify the motivators, perceived advantages/benefits and disadvantages/drawba
cks of implementing ISO 9000-certified quality systems in Hong Kong constru
ction organizations. The experiences of 33 construction contractors indicat
e that although net benefits are perceived, the main motivator behind the i
mplementation of ISO 9000-certified quality systems is to meet customer pre
requisites, such as to qualify for public works tender lists. The principal
perceived benefits of ISO 9000-certified quality systems for constructors
include more systematic record keeping, improved internal communication and
enhanced competitiveness of the company. On the other hand, the principal
drawbacks are perceived to be more paperwork, increased time spent in manag
ement and higher overall project cost. A high degree of agreement was obser
ved between medium and large constructors on the ranking of the relative st
rengths of such outcomes. Common strategies may thus be formulated to enhan
ce the net benefits from a constructor's viewpoint.