We measured the responses of cotton reproductive allocation (reproduct
ive dry matter/total shoot dry matter) to environmental and plant fact
ors in five field experiments. A wide range of growing conditions were
generated by manipulation of sowing date, nitrogen fertilizer, and pl
ant density. Plant factors that varied included phenological developme
nt (short- vs. long-season cultivars), and leaf morphology (normal- os
. okra-leaf types). We quantified the relationships between reproducti
ve dry matter and shoot dry matter using allometric analysis, and calc
ulated the daily rate of increase in reproductive allocation. Shoot dr
y matter ranged from 4 to 235 g per plant, and reproductive dry matter
from negligible to 138 g per plant. Within these ranges, the linear r
egression between log(e)- reproductive dry matter and log(e)-shoot dry
matter had an r(2) = 0.81 (P = 0.0001). Differences among experiments
were significant, but they accounted for only a small proportion of t
he variance of reproductive dry matter (8%). The dynamics of reproduct
ive allocation followed a logistic pattern. The rate during the linear
phase of increase in reproductive allocation was fairly stable across
experiments (approximate to 0.006 d(-1)). The effect of experiments w
as significant, but it accounted for only 7% of the variance in the ra
te of reproductive allocation increase. Analysis of treatment effects
on both allometric coefficients and on the rate of increase in reprodu
ctive allocation showed that: (a) few of the sources of variation incl
uded in these experiments caused significant changes in reproductive a
llocation; and (b) when significant changes occurred, their magnitude
was comparatively small. The relative stability of cotton reproductive
allocation suggests that for some applications simple models can be d
eveloped on the basis of a fixed rate of increase in reproductive allo
cation. (C) 1997 Annals of Botany Company.