To determine prospectively the immunologic response and adverse clinical ev
ents in surgical patients exposed to bovine thrombin during cardiac surgica
l procedures.
Summary Background Data
Topical bovine thrombin is used extensively as a hemostatic agent during ca
rdiovascular surgery. Antibodies developing after exposure to bovine thromb
in have been anecdotally associated with hemorrhagic complications.
One hundred fifty-one patients undergoing cardiac surgical procedures were
prospectively recruited for this study before surgical exposure with topica
l bovine thrombin. Immunoassays were used to determine antibody levels agai
nst both bovine and human coagulation proteins before and after exposure to
bovine thrombin. Alterations in coagulation assay parameters and adverse c
linical events were followed in all patients enrolled in the study.
Baseline elevated antibody levels to one or more bovine coagulation protein
s were observed most frequently in patients with a prior history of a surgi
cal procedure during which bovine thrombin is frequently used. More than 95
% of patients developed a seropositive response to bovine coagulation prote
ins, and 51% manifested elevated antibody levels to the corresponding human
coagulation proteins after bovine thrombin exposure. Postoperative coagula
tion abnormalities were more common in patients with antibodies to human co
agulation proteins. Patients with multiple elevated antibody levels to bovi
ne proteins before surgery were more likely to sustain an adverse clinical
outcome after surgery. Using a logistic regression model, the adjusted odds
ratio for sustaining an adverse event with multiple elevated antibody leve
ls to bovine proteins before surgery was 5.40.
Bovine thrombin preparations are highly immunogenic and appear to be associ
ated with an increased risk for adverse clinical outcomes during subsequent
surgical procedures. The clinical safety of these commonly used preparatio
ns needs to be reassessed, and reexposure to these agents should likely be