Cichlid fishes (Perciformes: Teleostei) found in the lakes of Africa have s
erved as model systems for the study of evolution. The enormous number of s
pecies (1000 in Lake Malawi alone), the great diversity of trophic adaptati
ons and behaviors, and the extreme rapidity of their divergence (<50,000 y
for some faunas) single out these organisms as examples of evolution in pro
gress. Because these fishes are confined to discrete lacustrine environment
s and their origination is bounded by geological features, these groups pro
vide models with which to study evolution. We review theoretical studies an
d empirical research on the cichlid faunas of Africa to provide a synthetic
overview of current knowledge of the evolutionary processes at work in thi
s group. This view provides the critical information needed to formulate an
d test hypotheses that may permit discrimination among the diverse theories
and models that have been advanced to explain the evolution of these fishe