With the advent of assisted reproductive technology and an improved underst
anding of cryobiology, strategies have been developed which allow the long-
term storage of gametes and embryos. Furthermore, in the light of the growi
ng numbers of young adults and children who have been sterilised by success
ful cancer treatment, the need to protect their fertile potential has becom
e more urgent. While semen cryopreservation is available for men, the metho
ds for preserving oocytes are unreliable and neither method is suitable for
prepubertal children. Research attention is, therefore, focusing on the lo
w temperature banking of immature germ cells with the aim to restore natura
l fertility if possible or, alternatively, to use culture technology to pro
duce ripe gametes for assisted conception. While there is no universal meth
od for fertility conservation, gonadal tissue banking, in theory, is a prac
tical alternative to gamete storage which can be utilised by both adults an
d children.